NVIDIA RTX 4070 TI SUPER 顯示卡將於 2024/1/25 發售,媒體評測已於前一天公佈。據說有媒體在測試微星 RTX 4070 TI SUPER 顯示卡時,發現顯示卡的性能似乎不如預期,比其他品牌的 RTX 4070 TI SUPER 顯示卡略慢約 5 % 性能。有能力和實力同時測試多款同型號顯示卡的媒體不多,TECHPOWERUP 是其中一之。TECHPOWER 在 MSI RTX 4070 TI SUPER VENTUS 3X 測試文章提到,事件早已驚動 NVIDIA,並被證實存在 BIOS 問題導致微星顯示卡的性能略差。另一方面,微星已於 2024/1/24 於官網上刊登聲明,標題為 MSI GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER 系列顯示卡 BIOS 更新聲明。啊,所以作為貼心的女友 / 伴侶,不妨為自己的男友 / 另一半更新 BIOS 來增進感情?
微星 GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER 開刷
TECHPOWERUP 於文章中直指,NVIDIA 在 NDA 完結前,已向 TECHPOWER 提供新 BIOS,但未能完全解決問題。TECHPOWERUP 交待在首次測試時,就發現 MSI RTX 4070 TI SUPER VENTUS 3X 在 1440P 測試中平約來說只比 RTX 4070 TI 快約 2 %,遠差於預期和其他 RTX 4070 TI SUPER。該評測樣品由 NVIDIA 提供,所以 TECHPOWERUP 主動聯絡 NVIDIA 查詢。NVIDIA 主動聯絡 MSI 後,確認該型號的確有性能問題,並向 TECHPOWERUP 提供新版 BIOS。NVIDIA 指出這個新版 BIOS 將可以提升約 5 % 性能,但仍然未達 NVIDIA 期望的水平 (略差 3%)。TECHPOWERUP 在測試這個新 BIOS 後,只發現有 1 % 的改進。TECHPOWERUP 再次與 NVIDIA 交流,然後 NVIDIA 指出 MSI 有再發現一些其他問題,提交了第 2 個改進 BIOS。TECHPOWERUP 又再重新測試,及後認為第 2 版改進 BIOS 仍然略差於自己測試的其他品牌的 RTX 4070 TI SUPER (非 OC 版),大約有 1 % 的差距。
值得留意的是,那個第 2 版改進 BIOS (MSI RTX 4070 TI SUPER VENTUS 3X),名為,而微星官網現時上載的 BIOS 也是相同的。在 NVIDIA 與 MSI 未有進一步交待和再提供新版 BIOS 前,可能原廠認為 TECHPOWERUP 所指的 1 % 差距屬誤差範圍內 / 樣品合理偏差範圍內。
MSI GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super Ventus 3X is the company's base model for the RTX 4070 Ti Super, it still offers a triple-slot, triple-fan cooling solution. In terms of clock speeds you get the NVIDIA reference boost of 2610 MHz. Averaged over the 25 games in our test suite, at 1440p, we find the card only 2% faster than 4070 Ti non-Super, which is much less than expected. While the gains at 4K are slightly bigger with 5%, the performance is definitely lower than the other cards tested today, which reach around 6% and 9% respectively. Originally the card was even slower, showing virtually no performance gains over the RTX 4070 Ti. NVIDIA provided the MSI Ventus sample to us directly, to act as "reference baseline" solution in our reviews—due to the lack of a Founders Edition. While I knew that the reference is expected to be slower, the numbers still seemed odd, around 5% too low, so I reached out to NVIDIA to confirm. Other colleagues confirmed that their MSI Ventus numbers are low, too, and that other cards run fine, so it's not setup/driver/operator problem; it's also not a thermal issue. Over the weekend, NVIDIA quickly reached out to MSI to confirm and worked on a BIOS update, which was delivered to us on Sunday. In their email NVIDIA confirmed that performance is "approximately 5% below expected figures" and included a BIOS update (from to version that improves performance, but it's still "approximately 3% below expected figures". I updated the card immediately and ran a full round of testing, confirming a performance increase, but only +1%. I sent this feedback to NVIDIA. Earlier today, NVIDIA informed reviewers that MSI found additional performance, which is can be unlocked via a second BIOS update. In my own testing, this second BIOS does increase performance even further. All results in this review are with the today's newest BIOS (, I retested everything. Between testing I never removed the cooler, to ensure the results don't get affected by thermal paste—photos were shot 10 minutes ago.
With the new BIOS the performance is very close to the other MSRP cards, but still around 1% lower. While it's impossible to notice subjectively, it's still there, but considering how quickly NVIDIA and MSI pushed out BIOS updates, I'm sure that there will be more updates down the road. Also considering that retail cards go on sale tomorrow, I'd expect all retail cards to require a BIOS update for optimum performance. Interestingly, between BIOS updates, MSI never changes the rated boost clock (always 2610 MHz), the power limit wasn't increased either (always 285 W). Still the GPU frequency increased. I did some quick testing and it seems that something else on the PCB was drawing excess power, which left less power for the GPU, which meant it ran into the power limit earlier and couldn't boost higher. I'm not sure if we'll ever get definitive answers, but right now I'd say performance is "close enough".
MSI 及後也在官網上回應事件,並提供新 BIOS。
台北,2024年1月24日 – 微星致力於提升用戶體驗與整體滿意度,為確保用戶擁有最佳的顯示卡性能,我們為GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 3X與其他系列型號發布新的BIOS。此次更新將提升顯示卡性能,滿足並超越預期的基準。我們鼓勵用戶造訪下方的連結下載並安裝最新版本。Marketing NameLinkGeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 3XGeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 3X OCGeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G GAMING X SLIMGeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G GAMING X SLIM WHITEGeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 2X OCGeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 2X WHITE OC提醒 :
您可以在產品網站的支援頁面找到最新的BIOS 更新下載連結。請造訪產品網頁,以獲取更多資訊。此次更新旨在提升顯示卡的整體性能,使其符合我們的期望。微星團隊一直致力於在產品開發和用戶體驗方面保持嚴格的標準,我們深刻理解提供可靠產品的重要性。我們感謝您的理解和支持。微星團隊
另一家外媒 IGORSLAB 同樣測試了這張 MSI RTX 4070 TI SUPER VENTUS 3X,卻表示他們未有遇到任何問題,就算是原版 BIOS。他們指出原版 BIOS 和 NVIDIA 後來提供的 2 個新 BIOS,與他們所收到的另一款顯示卡 GAINWARD RTX 4070 TI SUPER PANTHER 3X 比較,其性能差異少於 1 %,最後認為不是所有樣品 (MSI RTX 4070 TI SUPER) 都受影響。
NVIDIA had added two more BIOS versions at short notice, which I also tested. Since I have another MSRP card with the same specifications, I compared the results both with the other card (which is coming tomorrow, all benchmarks) and the new BIOS (random samples). The deviation here was less than 1 percent, i.e. always within the measurement inaccuracies. Since the results are also within the range of what colleagues have measured with other MSRP cards and apparently not all users of the Ventus had performance problems, I will refrain from a retest and instead bring a second MSRP card tomorrow morning. However, its few MHz higher clock rate results from a larger cooler and therefore slightly lower temperatures. Nevertheless, this is marginal and almost within the scope of measurement inaccuracies. So, at least with my card, there is no sensation to report. MSI has also issued an official statement in this regard:
“MSI discovered there were further areas where the performance of the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER VENTUS 3X graphics cards could be improved. We have introduced a new BIOS designed to elevate the overall performance of the graphics card to be in line with our expectations. We encourage you to update your sample with the attached BIOS. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and express our gratitude for your understanding and support.”
筆者於 2024 /1/24 0401 翻查微星官網,微星現已上架多款 RTX 4070 TI SUPER 型號,可是不是每一款都已提供 BIOS 供下載。各位讀者可以點撃下方型號將直達下載頁面。由於已提供新 BIOS 下載的型號也不全是不超頻的版本,所以這個可被解決的問題或許存在於所有型號上,又或是沒有新 BIOS 的型號也將不會有新 BIOS,因為出貨時已被導入修正好的 BIOS,也或許是沒有新 BIOS 的型號就是不受影響,更可能是就算已推出新 BIOS 的型號也不是所有同型號的卡都會遇上性能落後的問題,反正 NVIDIA 與 MSI 都沒有公開解說問題所在和影響範圍。
已有新 BIOS:
- GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G GAMING X SLIM (
- GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 3X OC (
- GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 2X OC (
- GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 2X WHITE OC (
- GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 3X (
沒有新 BIOS:
- GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G GAMING SLIM
- GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 2X WHITE
- GeForce RTX™ 4070 Ti SUPER 16G VENTUS 2X
筆者並非使用 RTX 4070 TI SUPER,也不是微星的,可是為了各位,筆者還是勇往直前。筆者心想,啊雙 BIOS 就是用來刷 BIOS 啊,不是很可靠嗎,大不了死掉一邊嘛。筆者在微星官網上隨意挑選一款 MSI RTX 4070 TI SUPER,下載後解壓,然後直接開啟該程式 (NV513MH.442.exe)。
哪知道那個程式竟未有要求使用者主動按下 "Y" 來確認進行更新,而是疑似直接更新!這使顯示器立即黑掉,筆者在這此時此刻想到年輕的時候刷 BIOS 我老在行了,什麼 NVLFASH -6 的指令在筆者當年閉著眼都能輸入,可是當筆者也想起顯示卡黑掉就是刷 BIOS 的前奏 (禁用顯示卡) 的時候,心頭一緊,沒了,我的 RTX 4090 沒了,微星太也狠了。幸好,可能是該程式最終發現筆者所使用的顯示卡的 PN / BIOS版本 / DEVICEID 之類的對不上,訊號回來了,筆者的電腦至今都沒事!但願以後有需要找技嘉 RMA 時順利通過,不然到時候又要寫一篇顯示卡雙 BIOS 功能是塑膠的報導。
筆者不建議亂刷!!!刪遊戲沒什麼,下載回來就好了,有種亂刷 BIOS 變磚嘛。這年頭當媒體真慘,辛好筆者沒女友,又可以收紅包了嘻嘻。