關於 INTEL 第 12 代和第 13 代 CPU 的降壓問題,原來在外國也慢慢燒起來,REDDIT 網友近日整合關於 INTEL CPU 降壓的資訊,引起 INTEL 注意並發文澄清。究竟 NON K CPU 和 Z 平台主機板這種組合,是否已經因為 INTEL 的微碼更新而導致完全不能降壓?
三個月前,HP 在 REDDIT 上發文解釋為何 HP OMEN 在自家的超頻軟體內移除了 CPU 降壓的選項,HP 指出這是 INTEL 在 CPU 微碼上新增了這些限制,所以不再容許使用者 (在作業系統內) 手動降壓,理由是與微軟的安全規定有關。
Q: Why does the Overclocking UI on my OMEN DT not allow negative voltage offset settings now?
A: This change was made since version 2210 for Intel Alder Lake platforms onwards. This is due to a new limitation from ADL microcode and Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU) update that does not allow voltage to be set lower than default voltage for security reasons with Microsoft. Intel has also disabled negative voltage offset settings from Intel XTU.
This does not affect platforms prior to Alder Lake, so for Tiger Lake platforms and earlier, you should still be able to set negative voltage offset values.
That being said, the OMEN team is working on new ways of voltage adjustment without the need for Intel XTU, to completely bypass the limitations between Intel and Microsoft, however the schedule on this is TBD at the moment.
事件慢慢發酵,網友找到 INTEL 的官方文件 latest Software Developer's Manual (December 2022, Volume 4),有講到關於 Dynamic OC Undervolt Protection 的部份。後來網友發現不少移動平台相繼在新 BIOS 中把降壓選項移除。最後 INTEL 人員在 2023 年 2 月發文澄清:
· No, undervolting is not blocked on 12th or 13th Gen Intel CPUs
不,INTEL 並沒有禁止降壓
· Latest BIOS update rolled out relevant software updates and recommended BIOS settings, including Undervolt Protection (UVP).
· When UVP is enabled Dynamic/Run-time undervolting is disabled. Undervolting is still available via BIOS.
當 UVP 設定為開啟時,(在作業系統內) 即時降壓將被禁止。使用者仍然能夠在 BIOS 層面降低電壓。
· Undervolt Protection (UVP) feature can be enabled/disabled in BIOS. Once disabled dynamic/run-time undervolting is enabled.
在 BIOS 內 UVP 可以被設定為開啟或關閉。當 UVP 在 BIOS 內被設定為關閉時,便可在作業系統內即時降壓。
· Each OEM and/or motherboard vendor can decide whether to include UVP enable/disable as part of their BIOS options for users.
每家廠商 / 板廠都可以自行決定是否在其 BIOS 內開放 UVP 選項讓使用者自行調整。
· Any questions about a certain system design or motherboard, we recommend you reach out to that OEM or motherboard partner.
INTEL 建議使用者自行向廠商 / 板廠查詢。
讀者看不懂這篇報導的內容是正常的,因為筆者也不知道自己在寫什麼。筆者建議大家先自行搞懂什麼是 CPU 降壓、在系統內降壓與在 BIOS 內降壓的分別、UVP 是否在任何情況下都能夠在 BIOS 內關閉,然後了解一下 IA CEP。至於誰在說謊就不要管了。